JSI – Driving Innovation through the Innovation Knowledge Graph

The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. The staff of about 1050 specializes in natural sciences, life sciences, and engineering. 

The research areas concern production and control technologies, communication and computer technologies, knowledge technologies, biotechnologies, new materials, environmental technologies, nanotechnologies, and nuclear engineering. 

The mission of the Jožef Stefan Institute is the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge at the frontiers of natural science and technology to benefit society at large through the pursuit of education, learning, research, and development of high technology at the highest international levels of excellence. 

The Institute plays a dual role in the enRichMyData project. On the one hand, JSI is a technology provider with a strong background in leveraging AI to process unstructured text.   It provides an NLP technology stack and tools (Wikifier, Event Registry) and focuses on implementing services for extracting structured data from unstructured text and streaming data. JSI leads the development of the StructR and ClassifiR components of the enRichMyData toolbox. On the other hand, JSI works on a business case whose main goal is to build and maintain an “Innovation Knowledge Graph” (InnoGraph) by joining several independent streaming data sources constituting the main phases of the innovation lifecycle. The aim is to interconnect, model, and understand the relevant aspects of the global innovation ecosystem from the inception of the ideas to their potential realization in business, up to the decision-making at the research policy level. In particular, the resulting knowledge graph aims to analytically support the narrative of stages which could be understood as a “journey of an innovation” throughout the whole innovation lifecycle. InnoGraph will deliver an operational prototype serving the stakeholders involved in the innovation process. It will help decision-makers at various stages to properly manage innovations with potential and to avoid mistakes in the process.

InnoGraph business case would rely on several tools from enrichMyData Toolbox. Event Registry supplies worldwide news related to artificial intelligence and innovation technologies. Wikifier provides semantic annotations for textual resources, analyzed within InnoGraph use case. ClassifR  allows for the relation of extraction from textual sources (for instance, identification of Technology usage in news). 

The broad set of semantic and AI technologies collected in the enRichMyData would enable policymakers to take a step ahead in the way how analytics for policy recommendations are being done. The relevant up-to-date information will be delivered to strategic departments in companies, investors, and HR managers globally. 



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