enRichMyData is one of the 26 Horizon Europe projects working on common objectives to establish Europe as the most successful area in the world in terms of data sharing and data re-use while respecting the legal framework relating to security and privacy and fostering collaboration and building on existing initiatives, and make EU fully autonomous in processing, combining, modelling and analysing large amounts of data for efficiently predicting future courses of action with high accuracy and advanced decision-making strategies.
enRichMyData project will be presented on the “Get-to-know” introductory and welcome day on February 23rd, 2023, organized by BDVA as part of the Data Spaces Support Centre activities. All projects will have an opportunity to present their mission and objective to a wide audience comprising DSSC consortium partners, the overall portfolio of research projects, industrial stakeholders and beyond interested in Data Spaces. The event might serve as a first touchpoint of these projects with DSSC, paving the path to identifying their expected contribution towards Data Spaces and intersection points.